💻 I've worked on multiple projects, exploring various technologies and building some cool stuff! 🚀 Check out my GitHub to see my work in action. Click below to explore! 🔥
Hello,I'm MUBASHIR AHMAD A Software Developer From Kashmir A Developer passionate about building responsive and user-friendly web applications.

About Me
About - My-Self
Hi, I'm Mubashir Ahmad, a passionate tech enthusiast from Kashmir. I have a strong interest in web technologies, app development, and AI. I enjoy exploring new technologies and constantly improving my skills in frontend development and beyond.

About - Education

I completed my Higher Secondary education in 2023 in Kashmir. Currently, I am pursuing a Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) at Islamia College of Science and Commerce (ICSC). Additionally, I have completed a 1-year CCCA course at ICMS Srinagar (ICMS).
About - Interest
I am deeply interested in web technologies, app development, and AI. I am particularly excited about LLMs (Large Language Models) and how AI can be leveraged in modern applications.


This webpage showcases animals with vibrant images and detailed descriptions. Each section includes an animal's photo along with key facts about its habitat, diet, and behavior. Smooth animations powered by GSAP bring the page to life, enhancing user interaction as they scroll. The design is clean, user-friendly, and educational, making it a fun way to learn about animals.
This webpage serves as a front-end paint shop showcasing various paint images. It features a clean design with HTML and CSS, allowing users to view different paint options. A video intro adds a nice touch. The "Buy" button is included for visual effect, but the page focuses solely on the display and aesthetics, offering a simple, engaging user experience without backend functionality.